Sunday Morning Worship Service

Sunday 10 am

We worship our Lord and Savior during this time through prayer, song, giving, scripture reading, and the preaching of the Word of God. 

Sunday School

Sunday 11:20 am

There are several Sunday school classes each geared toward different age/life stage. All are devoted to studying the bible and learning more about God and His plan throughout history.



Sunday Evening Worship Service

Sunday 7:00

We worship our great Creator in song, prayer, Scripture reading, and preaching of His Word. We are currently studying the book of Genesis.

Wednesday Night Kids Club

6:45 pm

Toddlers through highschool memorize God’s word and are going through an Answers in Genesis curriculum which focuses on the historicity of the Bible and apologetics.



WeDnesday NIght Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

7:30 pm

We study scripture in a small group format and spend dedicated times in prayer for our church and our community. 

Summer Vacation Bible School

VBS is a week long kids ministry in the summer.  Kids play games, memorize Bible verses, and learn about the good news of salvation through Jesus.




 Throughout the year

Our church supports a variety of missionaries who work to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ across the world.