What Makes us unique?
We have a high view of scripture: We believe that the Bible is sufficient, authoritative, inerrant (has no errors), and can save and transform peoples’ lives.
We have expositional sermons: The point of our sermons comes directly from the text of scripture. We often teach systematically, verse-by-verse through books of the Bible.
We are personable: We want to get to know you and are a friendly bunch. We will invite you out to lunch and have you over for dinner. We want to help build a community of believers who love Christ and love one another.
We are evangelistic: We are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
We encourage people to serve: We believe that every believer has been gifted by God to serve the church and every believer should be involved in ministering to other people. If you don’t know how you can serve, ask the pastor and he will help you find some way to reach out to others.
“For the Word of God is living and active sharper than a two-edged sword…” Hebrews 4:12